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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fishy Experience

Tonight, I had meat for the first time since I made the decision to become a vegetarian, 6 months ago. I originally decided to become a vegetarian for health reasons. I wanted to become a healthier person. But, at that time, I told myself that being a vegetarian was going to be an active, conscious choice, and that I would eat meat sparingly, if I chose to do so. By sparingly, I thought I might have some kind of meat a few times a year, if that. I guess I just wanted to keep my options open.

Well, tonight, I decided to exercise that option. I had a 3 oz. filet of grouper, what used to be my favorite fish, with a salad. It was horrible, and I feel like crying. I felt like throwing up the whole time--all three bites of it.

I guess the memory of the taste is what I had been looking forward to the most, but the flavor and texture of the fish in my mouth was actually disgusting--something I didn't expect. It wasn't like I remember fish feeling in my mouth. And, even under all of the seasoning, it it was rotting. I'm not trying to sound dramatic. In fact, I'm kind of embarrassed to be saying any of this.

I don't think it is going to be possible for me to enjoy any meat from now on if this is how it will feel every time I eat it. If anyone else has ever had this type of experience. I'd love to hear about it.