This morning I was in the mood for fruit juice, and I started out with every intention of making fresh orange juice without anything else in it...but once I was into it, I felt guilty so I added in some veggies, too :) It was really good!
4 oranges
1 ruby red grapefruit
1 green pair
1/2 bunch of kale
1 zucchini
1 lemon
If you are juicing oranges for the first time, you should know that you absolutely HAVE to peel the oranges...the same goes for lemons or limes. The first time I juiced oranges, I didn't know any better and I put those suckers in whole, LOL. I remember that I made almost a gallon of orange juice because I wanted my kids to have real OJ for the first time. When I tasted it, I almost cried, it was so bitter. What's even funnier is that I didn't want to waste it, so I forced myself to drink it for the next few days. I couldn't stand more than a few sips at a time. On the third or fourth day I gave up and dumped the rest of it into the sink. It seemed to become even more bitter with each passing day.
Now that I'm on a crazy juicing mistakes tangent, I might as well tell you about a few other mistakes to avoid...
Here's my Top 5 Worst Juicing Mistakes
I already told you how that went...
Once I tried to make a gaspacho type juice, so I put a clove of garlic through the juicer with the tomatoes and onions and other veggies. I don't know what was worse the garlic or the wait, I do know...the GARLIC. I love, love, love garlic, but I had never experienced juiced garlic, lol. It was SO strong that my throat closed up, and I thought I was going to suffocate. I drank water all day and the taste of garlic in my mouth still wouldn't go away. Plus, it kept coming up. I remember waking up the next morning, and I still had garlic breath!
In one of my previous posts, I already shared my cauliflower juice story--that was a good/bad one, too.
Bananas and juicers are NOT friends. It comes through the juicer looking like a goopy brownish mess. The bananas are too mushy and should be blended in smoothies. As with all of my juicing mistakes, I learned this one the hard way, with my first juicer. It was a cheap Hamilton Beach juicer, and the machine got so overworked trying to juice that banana that it started to smell like an electrical fire, lol.
And, last but not least, my absolute worst juicing crime....drum roll please...I once tried to juice a potato. I remember that my original plan was to juice the potato and then make a soup out of it. It was my culinary ignorant way of trying to get away with making potato soup without cream...go ahead and laugh...I AM. Of course, it was a ridiculous thing to do. Oh, it juiced the potato alright...but the moment I started heating up the juice in a pot, the starch went crazy and I ended up making GLUE instead of soup. I could have put up a brick wall with that stuff! Lesson learned--the easiest way to do things is usually the simplest. What I should have done was to just boil the potatoes and then mash them up with some other liquid...DUH....
Thanks for reading :)
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