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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bean Patties and Uncomfortable Moments

Yesterday I went to lunch with some coworkers. We went to Chilis, and I have to admit that even though I was happy to actually go out to lunch, I was very nervous about being able to choose a vegetarian meal at a place like Chilis.

As I looked through the menu I realized how big of a role meat plays in our culture here in the US. The idea of a satisfying vegetarian meal is practically inconceivable to most people. Vegetarian options are seen as side dishes or appetizers, at best. My situation was further complicated by the fact that  most appetizers and side dishes on the menu had some kind of meat mixed in. I didn't want to be that person at the table that has to custom order every single part of the meal and make everyone late getting back.

Anyway, as I looked through the menu, I saw that they had an avocado burger on the menu. I liked the sound of that. I figured that the avocado replaced the meat, and I liked the idea of an avocado sandwich. But, it turns out that the avocado doesn't replace the meat, at all; it goes on top of the hamburger patty as an extra ingredient. Then, I saw that Chili's does have vegetarian burger option: it's a black bean patty. Even though I really just wanted the avocado, I went ahead and ordered the black bean patty with the avocado. I figured I could taste the patty and see if I liked it for future visits.

The black bean patty was all right. It wasn't spectacular. I would have probably liked the sandwich better with just the avocado, but I'm glad I tried it, nonetheless. The only truly disappointing part of the sandwich was the bread. I guess ordering the bean patty means they automatically use a different bread. It's a wheat bun with rolled oats on top, which sounds good...The problem is that whatever they did to it to heat it up made the bread SO dry, that it fell apart whenever I bit into the sandwich...very messy.

I had the sandwich with a small coleslaw instead of french fries because I didn't want all that grease. The cole slaw was pretty generic.

Ok, now here's where I go off on one of my know, the part I actually want to talk about...

Going to lunch with people who aren't vegetarians presents a whole other social dilemma that I want to talk about. The social interaction that is wrapped around eating gets funky for me, and I hate the feeling that I get from people around me when I choose a vegetarian meal. I get the same reaction from EVERYONE that is a part of my life: family, friends, colleagues....well, I take that husband and children don't have the reaction that I'm about to describe.

There's always that face...the one that makes me feel so uncomfortable that I want to run away to avoid feeling bad. So, instead of running away, I've decided to place a comic spin on the situation and make a list of all of the faces I get from the various people in my life.

But, first I'd like to state a disclaimer. I'm in no way judging anyone for making these faces. I think their facial reactions are natural and involuntary. I don't even think they realize they are doing this. This is just my way of dealing. Here goes...

1. The "Why don't you just have meat like all of us?" face. I get this from people who want me to have the group mentality. It's like being in school and not having the cool shoes that everyone is wearing. Buy the shoes so you can be one of us! they say.

2. The "I feel somewhat ashamed about myself or my unhealthy choices so I want you to join me so I don't feel as bad" face. I get this from people when they are eating something they shouldn't be eating. Be fat and indulge with me! they say. I have to admit this group is the most fun. I've been a part of this group myself from time to time, LOL.

3. The "What are you trying to prove?" or "What's your angle?" face. I get this from people who think I'm on some vegetarian crusade to change them. You can't change me! they say.

4. The "You are WRONG and I am RIGHT" face. I get this from people who need validation and who think that I'm the one  judging them. You are going to die if you don't eat meat! they say.

Sometimes, I get a mixture of these reactions all at once, and I feel like shouting out, "I'm just doing this for ME. It has nothing to do with YOU!"

...but, that would look pretty crazy, so I just walk away feeling impotent. Then, I imagine some meat-lover counterpart of mine writing her own blog with a list of faces that I've made, LOL.

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